Time is a limited resource, so anything that can do things faster & better than me is a must 😆
So today, I wanted to give you some of the best tools I use EVERYDAY to make my life easier 😅
1️⃣ Fathom Video… an app for Zoom, that transcribes the whole conversation & breaks it down into any type of content I need
2️⃣ OpusPro… After recording a long form video that needs to be chopped down for social, then look no further than this app
3️⃣ LeadDec… I send out an email every single weekday & LeadDec makes it super easy to send, analyse & succeed, plus the awesome benefit of being able to re-send an email to those that didn’t open the first
4️⃣ Discord… We have been moving all ads clients over to the messaging platform, it’s way more advanced than WhatsApp & would be my go-to choice if we were to set up again
5️⃣ ChatGPT… Possibly a game changer if you use it correctly, soooo many possibilities, where I use it for spelling & grammar checks, plus it helps with research & content building
6️⃣ Canva… If you have not used Canva before for any artwork creative, then you are missing out, all our creatives for clients ads are done in Canva
7️⃣ Kapwing… Used for video creation & captions for Ads clients videos
8️⃣ Stripe… Used in all businesses to collect payments, one time & recurring to make the finance team’s life a dream
I’ll leave it there for now 😆
I literally use all of these each & every day…. But my question to you is:
Are there apps or software that you use, that I should add to my list?
You got this 💪
David 🙂