£177 Spend = £1,186 PROFIT 🀩

Monday are always the busiest days at the office as it goes something like this

8-10am: review ads from weekend & send over clients results from the previous week

10-11am: team meeting to chat about any issues, patterns & what is working with each others accounts

11-12pm: start waiting on last weeks sales to filter in from clients, while making any tweaks to current clients ads

12-12:30pm: lunch or should I say Carvery at our local Green King πŸ˜†

12:30-3pm: meeting with clients, finishing any additional updates from clients & any ads that need building, editing & refreshing

3-4pm: internal review check, to ensure nothing slips past each other when it comes to publishing ads for clients

The rest of the week, kind of follows the same pattern, although on Thursday mornings we all go for Breakfast, although Ella isn’t a fan 🀣

Anyway, £177 in ads spend that delivered £1,186 in PROFIT 🀩

Or what about 11 FEO sales in one week, netting over Β£3k collected

Or finally, if you want to check out some results from clients in & around London, then check out Ella’s post here –>> https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=280758251291509&id=100080720079901

Track your numbers & everything becomes much easier to scale πŸ’ͺ

Want to chat lead gen, marketing, systems, or automations, then check out this link –>> https://go.fitproleadgen.com/chatwithus

Rather have your very own custom build Lead Gen Eco-System β€”>> https://leaddec.com/eco-system

Or after coaching, accountability & guidance β€”>> https://m.me/iamdavidkyle

David πŸ™‚