The biggest part of making sales is 100% the salesperson
A salesperson who isn’t enthusiastic, who’s not motivating, who’s understanding
But also who’s not dedicated to making that sale is going to cost you big time
Now I am in no way a sales master, but having what has to be over 500 sales in the gym over the last 6 years
I think I have learned a thing or two 😆 well… I hope
As you can see from the image, making 14 sales in 10 days is some achievement

And the single-handedly biggest part will be the confidence in the offer you are presenting them
If you do not know it inside out, if you do not BELIEVE in it, if you do not think the prospect will get results from it
You will lose that sale
Likewise, if you do not bring your “A” game to that sales consultation, you will be on the back foot right from the start
I remember being told once that before each sales call, to do 10 burpees to get the heart rate pumping 😆
Once you know your offer, your enthusiasm that they are going to get results will start to show through
Now it’s just a case of answering all the Qs that they have in their head, before they ask you
This is done by talking about your success stories, to give them familiarity with what they want
If you are chatting to a mum of 2 about weight loss, then be sure to mention clients who have had those results with you
Selling shouldn’t be difficult when you are confident 💪
All you need then is a consistent flow of leads, which we will deliver 🙌
Book a call with us & let’s catch up this week to share what we do here at FitPro Lead Gen
You got this 💪
David 🙂