8 Ways To Have A-Player Staff Members πŸ”₯

Staff are key to growing a successful business
But get it wrong & not only will they cause you headaches
But they could also cost you money & reputation
So I wanted to share a few things we did when we had FitHub30
1️⃣ they all sign a contract, no matter if they are part-time doing 1 hour a week or a full-time staff member
2️⃣ they all get a staff handbook, which explains their roles & how everything works in the business, including core values & client appreciation
3️⃣ they are given KPIs, that their job position is reviewed on
4️⃣ they all had individual quarterly performance reviews, to discuss their KPIs, performance & targets
5️⃣ they had a clear career development plan with how they can improve their knowledge & salary
6️⃣ they had to complete an end-of-session report, to give us updates on any issues & session insights
7️⃣ they had to attend a weekly staff training & team meeting to discuss clients, business development & personal development
8️⃣ finally, we signed all staff up to BrightHR to make everything super smooth
Any Qs on any of the above, just let me know
You got this πŸ’ͺ
David πŸ™‚