It Took 😭 to Achieve 🤩

For those who are new around here & don’t really know me that well

My life hasn’t always been smiles, adventure & growth

Just a few short years back

😫 It was all about moving money around on Credit Cards

😫 Living with family to avoid paying rent & bills

😫 watching travel vlogs as there was no way we could just up & leave

& 2017 was the year it all HAD to change

DKnine Fitness was going okay, I had about 30 clients paying good money


🤷‍♂️ I still worked 50-60 hours a week, coaching, managing clients, chasing leads & making sales

🤷‍♂️ We still lived with Hollys Dad

🤷‍♂️ We still had never been on Holiday together & we had been together 5 years at this point

Something HAD to change

We were watching a travel vlog of a guy travelling in Thailand, wondering if we would ever be able to do this 😢

When we decided… enough is ENOUGH

We have to make a change

A short weekend trip to Spain was booked right away to see if we could take the time off

✅ weekend trip a success

Where next???

Thailand 🇹🇭

We booked the flight with 8 months to get everything in place

& got to work 💪

The first task… take me out of the coaching & bring in staff

Then… how to make sure the business can operate without me for a few days

Fast forward 8 months & the holiday of a lifetime was here 😆

🛑 STOP 🛑

Something I have to also mention at this point is that Holly couldn’t get the time off from her work… so she QUIT! 🤪

Which is how Holly became the manager of DKnine when we got back 🤓


Superfast forward to present day….

We are now in a position that we can literally step out of the DKnine & FitPro Lead Gen when we wish 💪

We can go on Holidays, have our own house, get our own dog 🐕

We can LIVE the life we want 🙌

And it all started by simply saying…

Enough is ENOUGH!!!

Now if you’re ready to change up your Fitness Business to one that works for you

Where you can do the things that you really want…

✅ paying yourself a proper wage

✅ having the time off you want

✅ growing the business to the level you desire

Then we would love to welcome you onto the Fitness Business Eco-System Coaching Programme 🙌

Where over a 12 week programme, myself & the team will help map out, lay the foundations & build the Fitness Business that works for you 😎

Want info? Then reach out 🤓

You got this 💪

David 🙂