What Do You Work For??

As a FitPro/Business owner, we made the decision

The decision to go out and work for our selves

To be able to create a life that works for us

And not be tied down to a job we don’t enjoy or reward us the way we want

The picture below wasn’t something I had in my mind when I decided to first start with Explore Football & then DKnine

I got started in order to give me more of the lifestyle I wanted to live

To able to give my all and grow something along with a team

MY WAY & not being held back by the vision of a company

Yet as the years go by…

Your reasons change

Me and Holly now want to travel more of the world

We want to be able to buy our own home

We want to be able to go visit family, whenever we want!

Which bring us back to this picture

When I got started, it was just me, my brothers and April

Fast forward a few years, April has a baby boy called Jax

And I am now Uncle Dave

Things change quickly…

Jax needs a new football or goals? I’m on it

April says she’s coming down, I clear my schedule

In life, things change and that’s okay 🙌

Keep re-assessing your goals

Keep staying positive and focused

And if you previous goals, don’t work for you any more

Then go find out what will

You got this 💪

David 🙂