In life & business, you always need a battle partner 👊
Someone to bounce ideas off
Someone to believe in you when you don’t
Someone to stop you from doing stupid stuff
Someone who’s up for the fight
That person for me is Holly

It hasn’t always been easy
But when you have that person in your corner
Anything almost becomes possible
Take moving to Cardiff
Would I have moved up here & lived in the gym by myself for a year to make it work?
Probably not, but knowing Holly had my back in this situation, I felt confident I could make it work
There are times where I need to pull rank & take charge
And there are times where she will put her foot down & stone-cold refuse
But when you have someone standing beside you, ready for the fight
Things become a lot clearer 💪
If you’re on Instagram, come say Hello —>>
Enjoy your weekend & what looks to be the start of summer here in Wales ☀️
You got this 💪
David 🙂