You SHOULD Run An Accelerator πŸ’ͺ

🀨 Need a quick cash boost?

🀨 Need some more success stories?

🀨 Need clients to get get back on track?

Then you want to be running Accelerators in your fitness business

(This is for paying clients ONLY)

Running accelerators just 2-3 times a year is going to make a big difference to the 3 things I mentioned above πŸ™Œ

βœ… to start, you are up selling current clients onto the programme, increasing their CLV

Making you a nice little extra bit of cash on the side for a rainy day

βœ… you get a good bunch of success stories

By going over the top for the length of time you run it, getting some amazing body stats & before & after pictures

βœ… plus those clients who maybe have gone missing, or started to lack drive & focus again

You get them back on track and turning up to your sessions again

πŸ†Making it a Win-Win for everyone

Just know, these Accelerators don’t need to be super complicated

6 weeks is usually a decent time frame to get a result for your clients

All you really need to be doing, is giving them a little more accountability & helping them track their food

Plus you could charge as little or as much as you desire for the Accelerator

To give you an idea, we run them at just Β£60 for a 6 week accelerator

Putting all that want to join in, into a WhatsApp support group

Then holding the group accountable for the 6 weeks to ensure they get a result at the end πŸ’ͺ

We even do this for our FitPro clients

** So if you are a FitPro client, and haven’t seen the post in the members support group about the next one running on the 30th of this month, then let me know **

You got this πŸ’ͺ

David πŸ™‚