12 Week Online Ads Set Up

It might sounds crazy

But sometimes…

Well actually most of the time

To get to the point you desire

You have to start at that exact point

Because only then, once you know the exact place you want to get too

Is when and how to get to that point becomes clear

For example, a new Ads clients we where on-boarding earlier

His programme is a 12 Week Online Coaching Programme

And he doesn’t want to be chasing down a load of leads via calls

This means we need to figure out the way we can get only those qualified leads in front of him

So working back from sale to prospect, here is what we are going to do…

✅ Sale

✅ Call

✅ Retarget

✅ 5 Day FREE Challenge Finish

✅ 5 Day FREE Challenge (Direct Sales)

✅ 5 Day FREE Challenge start

✅ Run ads for 2 weeks

✅ Thank You page with Link to group

✅ Publish ads

✅ LeadAds form

✅ Set up ads

Easy right 🙌

Or just let me know if you need help 🤓

David 🙂