Facebook Ads Don’t Work 😬

Yep, this is the truth, I see it time & time again

FitPros reaching out, almost digitally πŸ—£ SHOUTING at me

Saying they spend Β£10, Β£50 maybe even Β£100 & made NO SALES

& I usually have to agree with them

Facebook Ads Don’t Work… if

You don’t know how to chase down the leads

& if you don’t know how to sell


You see after I have had a quick chat with them, they usually say they got leads from Facebook πŸ˜‰

Which means Facebook Ads DO WORK 😎

What didn’t work is the time you put into chasing down these leads & then presenting the offer & selling to that lead

Facebook Ads is what we call Interruptive Marketing πŸ›‘

You are literally stopping a viewer in their track/scroll to view your advert

This means the type of lead you get from this style of marketing is very different to a Search Based Approach


To conclude…

If you want to run Facebook Ads, make sure you know what the whole process looks like from

Viewer β†’ Lead β†’ Chasing Down β†’ Selling

Getting a stage wrong can lead to some expensive mistakes

You got this πŸ’ͺ

David πŸ™‚