Gym Update #5: If You Need Quick Cash, DO THIS ๐Ÿ‘‡

Gym Update #5: If You Need Quick Cash, DO THIS ๐Ÿ‘‡

This week was our second onboarding since starting this new formula ๐Ÿ’ช

If you are unsure, we have now decided to switch from evergreen to running challenges every 3 weeks, with the aim to focus a lot more on building the community to improve retention

Before I dive into the numbers for the second challenge

We have also been working on the Long Term Payments from clients ๐Ÿ™Œ

It helps with getting quick cash into the business, plus technically secures you a client for that specific length of time

Ending the week with another 2 PIF, 1 for a YEAR payment (ยฃ1000) the second was another 4 months for the price of 3 (ยฃ350)

If you need quick cash, then this is one simple way of getting the money you need ๐Ÿค“

Okayโ€ฆ so the second onboarding meeting:

This went a lot smoother than the last one, the addition of the success stories throughout the presentation also made a big difference in building expectations from the challenge

Running up to Thursday night (Onboarding night), we had been really focused on selling PIF places, rather than deposits

One of the big things was also sticking to the new sales script, I think there was one call this week, where they didnโ€™t follow it & we lost that sale

Then once the script was back out, it was back to selling

Something we have noticed with the script is that we need to stick to the major aspects of it & if the prospect is wondering off course, to pull them back-in, in order to follow the scripts flow

This last week, we also only had one onboarding session too, the aim is to always have 2, one on Thursday evening & one on Saturday morning, but with myself & Holly being away for the FitPro event in Sheffield & Jess off, we had to resort to just having the one meeting

Not the ideal situation, as the aim is to gather all the new members in at the same time, to start the community-building process

This meant that this week, we have still been selling right until I am writing this at 7:30pm Sunday, Holly has also mentioned we have 2 clients paying tomorrow & 1 on Tuesday

Again, not the ideal situation, butโ€ฆ. & this is a BIG ONE, doing this got us to the 20 we aimed for, actually, we got 22

Wellโ€ฆ technically we have 19 paid, with the 3 mentioned above to pay over the next day or so

Having not attended the onboarding meeting, we are going to have to ensure we get the mixed in with the dedicated WhatsApp group for this challenge quickly

Getting back to the onboarding meeting we had on Thursday, we did have 3 come in that evening who had only paid the ยฃ20 deposits, the presentation & sales tactics that evening we used went well as they all paid the remaining balance ๐Ÿคฉ

Sticking with that evening, yes, it went much smoother than the first one, the girls were a lot more relaxed this time, but there are still a few things we are going to work on

The first is the measurement & weighing we have, due to the numbers we had this time compared to the last, it took a while to get everyone measured & weighed, which has got us thinking to either start the moment they arrive to get a few done then or/& purchase another set of scales to allow to people to get measured & weighed at the same time

The other thing we talked about was splitting a few of the slides into more slides to make it easier to read, basically if you were sat further back, it was harder to read the bullet points when the text size we small

Finally, for this last onboarding session, we actually had a no-show, luckily the no-show had already paid, they messaged later on that evening saying that they drove around & couldnโ€™t find us, which is now telling us we need to improve on our sign/direction instructions to find us

This week, we also had a funnel change after chatting with the girls. One of the things we had set up, was the minute they give us their name, email & phone, they were sent to book in for the onboarding session, but if they became a lead say tonight, the next available slot is in 3 weeks time

Now we made this change right at the start of last week, to name, email & phone to a booking page that offers them to book a FitHub30 Discover Call/Studio Tour, they have the option to book either & the results have actually suppressed us

With a good number of sales this week coming from prospects who had booked a call, answered at the time they booked & purchased the 6 week challenge

So far, no studio tour bookings ๐Ÿคฃ

Finally, we had a little heated conversation this week about internal communications, what happened was a message was sent into the Staff WhatsApp about a client moving onto monthly, they a few more messages were posted, that message about the clients getting lost in the mix & then finding out that they had been training for free for the last 2 weeks ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Something we have now stated, is that anything like this needs to go in Basecamp as a task, with a staff member assigned & a due-by date added to ensure nothing ever gets missed

Finally, for those who use a booking software, this next week, we are switching from PTMinder to TeamUp

Tasks for this week include, the standard marketing meeting on Monday, plus I want to get an update on how the first lot of 6 week clients are getting on & how many have converted/committed to joining monthly/long term

You got this ๐Ÿ’ช

David ๐Ÿ™‚