The Domino Effect…

Here is a story about how 1 person

Has effected 10s of thousands of people’s lives around the world, without even knowing

It starts way back in 2012

There were only 2 weeks to go until I needed to hand in my dissertation at university

And the options where simple, hand it in and a graduate, if I don’t then I had just wasted 3 years

Yet as the final year rolled by, I kept putting it off & off & off

Until I realised I had just 2 weeks to go until I needed to hand it in

When I had a mental breakdown

I called this person up, crying, telling them I was going to fail university if I don’t get it done

The next day, this person was down in Southampton helping me get it done & handed in just in time 🥵

From there I graduated and got an office job

Fast forward a few years between moving back up to North Wales & running my own football coaching business and then moving back to Southampton where DKnine took off

This Is where this person started to affect 100s of Over 30s in & around Southampton

Again, without even knowing

DKnine grew quickly, to the point other FitPros started asking me how

2016 arrived, FitPro Lead Gen was born

And this person, again without knowing, started to affect 1000’s of people around the UK & now around the world

Fast forward to the present day, with over 100 FitPros inside The FitPro Portal & Facebook Ads management Clients around the world

Has now completely invertedly, without knowing helped 10s of thousands of people lives around the world look and feel better about themselves & helped 100s of FitPros around the world have a better business

Now this person, if you haven’t managed to guess yet

Is my Mum 🙌

If my Mum didn’t help out at University to finish my dissertation

I would have never got that office job

DKnine Fitness was all based 100% on what my Mum would need from a programme, helping effect 100s of Over 30s in Southampton

And due to that success, FitPro Lead Gen evolved

And has now gone one to invertedly, without knowing helped 10s of thousands of people lives around the world

So to Mam, without knowing…. A MASSIVE WELL DONE 😆