The Evolution of The Office SOPs

From time to time, I often think to myself…

If only I knew this before “insert situation” happened πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Yes, nothing you can do about it, I get that, but it’s still a little frustrating

After all, if you did know before the “insert situation”, just imagine how far ahead you would have been

Now, I actually have a LOVE ❀️ / HATE 🀬 when it comes to learning new things

If it’s something I enjoy doing, it’s super easy to pick up

Likewise, if I don’t really have my heart set on learning this, then it really drags

Setting up your business SOPs is defo one of those 🀬 situations

If you have already created your own, you will know what I mean…

πŸ“ when you enter the gym, please turn on all lights, then select the “x” playlist on the speaker, next you need to turn on all TVs & get the iPad down to check who is expected in the first session of the day

Bla.. Bla.. Blaaa

Things that you think everyone should know, but & this is the big one!

If only I had done this properly in the past, might I have not sold my gym or how far along would FitPro & LeadDec be…

Anyway… you can’t dwell on the past right?

Therefore, if you have been worried as to where I have been the last week or so

The simple answer is… doing the 🀬 work & building out the brand new SOPs for FitPro Lead Gen & LeadDec back hime in North Wales

Moving from the old Google Docs we initially wrote in 2020

To a brand new step by step online course, that all staff will have to complete & take assessments to ensure they are up-to-date with getting the best results for clients

itting, recording my screen, writing the steps, updating the procedures & more

And it’s crazy to think of everything that goes into a running a business πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Take setting up a new Paid Ads Client
βœ… Client Contract Submission
βœ… Completing The Google Sheet
βœ… Submitting Media Folder
βœ… Adding on Basecamp or WhatsApp
βœ… Connecting Facebook Ads Accounts
βœ… Initial Client Research
βœ… Client Funnel & System Build
Then… Setting Up First Advert, which is another few steps

And in order for us to be the number 1 Paid Ads Management provider for Fitness Business in the UK, we need to ensure we coach all our staff to be the best too πŸ’ͺ

On a different note, are you about on the 20th July?

Myself, Ash Burleigh, Shane Nugent & Neil Godly are doing an event down in North London

Full details can be found here –>>

Or fancy chatting anything systems, automations, lead gen or marketing? then lets get a call booked in –>>

You got this πŸ’ͺ

David πŸ™‚