When It Suddenly Clicks…

It’s a wonderful feeling, when something that has been bugging you for a while

A task, a system, or just a something you just can’t get past…

Suddenly clicks into place

The path becomes clearer or the motivation to get it done, arrives!

This is what happened today on one of the FitPro Incubator coaching calls

It’s usually me on a Monday & Ash Burleigh on a Thursday, but as I had Monday off, I was catching up today

The call went something like this…

🗣️ I’m feeling a little lost, I have been told this & that, & for the last year, I have just gone backwards. That’s why I have joined you guys!

& you know what, I totally get it, what works for some, WILL NOT work for others

Not to mention, what you see on social media, isn’t always the truth 😉

So we put a small plan together, to get things moving again 💪

With the client having no ads budget & being an online FitPro

We set the task of: Having More Conversations & Making More Offers 👊

Doing a few quick number of needing 5 sales a month, we set that task of

Adding 30 new targeted prospects to the network each day

& having a minimum of 10 new conversations each day

10 conversations x 30 days = 300 new conversations a month

We then said, we want to convert between 5-10% of those conversations into booked calls

Then closing between 20-25% of those calls into sales

Giving the client a minimum of 3 new clients a month 💪

The best part is that each client is $1500 for the 12 week online programme

For roughly 1.5-2 hours of work each day

Add on top 2 social media posts a day, plus 2 stories, plus 1 email 😬

The client should be hitting a minimum of 5 clients a month comfortably

We also talked about what to say in the message, the offers to put out & how to find the targeted prospects

But the moral of the post is… Have More Conversations & Make More Sales 👊

You got this 💪

David 🙂