Q: Best way to advertise on Facebook?

Here is a question I just answered in a Facebook group on Facebook Ads ⬇️⬇️

Apologies this isn’t going to be a short answer 🤣

Okay before even considering your ads, you first need to consider your sales funnel, your offer and audience. This will dictate how you Ad’s set up.

There is also a very big difference between running ads for online services and getting people into your gym.

You also have your targeting options which differ depending on what country you are in

And finally you have your daily budget, this will dictate what ads set up your run too.

Okay… so as we are in lockdown, most people are running ads for online services, but if you are usually face to face, then I would only increase your radius by a few KM as you will want to convert them into face to face clients when you re-open.

If you are online only, then depending on your daily budget and length you can wait for clients, there are 2 routes.

Ad -> Name & Email -> Application form

Or Ebook -> retarget to webinar/video view -> retarget to book a call

As for targeting, unless your are super, super niche, then your ads copy and visuals should do the heavy lifting. Keep the Ad Set gender, age, location and placements.

So yeah, there are a load of variables 🤣

Remember your offer & sales funnel should dictate how your run your Ads

Any questions let me know 🙌

David 🙂